Social change, not climate change!

As a continuation of Agitatoria 19 – From Neo-liberalism to Green Capitalism; from Seattle to Copenhagen we´re taking the topic of the climate crisis closer to people.

New social movements are emerging, and people are organizing to create immediate practical improvements from below, avoiding the economic and political institutions that constitute the largest portion of the problem. Outlaw biking, “critical mass”, “reclaim the streets”, urban farming, urban ecology, software activism and public transport activism are examples of this new repertoire of direct action. Direct actions where people are trying to take back control over solutions long neglected by politicians and profit interests, basically taking back control over their lives.

Agitatoria 20 has invited speakers with experience in direct action and taking back the initiative for climate action as a continuation of anti-capitalist action in a broader sense.

Chris Carlsson

is an author and an anti-capitalist enviromentalist bike activist. He has been central in the Critical Mass actions since the inception in San Francisco. He will talk about his latest book Nowtopia and how climate activism is dependent on creating alternatives to capitalism.
Read more from Chris Carlsson here is a Swedish group working for free public transport. Their main course of action is “P-kassan” – an insurance for public transport freeriders to cover the penalty fare, but they are also engaged in other forms of climate and social activism. They will talk about the “how” and “why” of their actions and about society’s politically imposed car dependency.


1400 Utopia starts now! – Nowtopia!

1500 – Public transport and climate activism

1600 Open Space discussion An open discussion to facilitate action and ideas.

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