English Quiz Night

Finally, we are proud to present our first pure English Quiz at Henriken. The quiz will be somewhat the same as the Norwegian quiz, with a nice mix of music and trivia. We have two rounds of quiz, which includes questions picked from a lot of different genres. So your dream team could include people with skills on different areas, for example sport, news, politics, geography, history, literature and music.

To win our delightful prizes, your team must have maximum five members. And of course, it is not allowed to use the Internet.
If you do not have a team, we suggest you show up around 19:30 so we can help you organize new teams. Every team joining can choose if they would like to join the Quiz League after instructions from the Quizmaster.

The fun begins from 8PM, and will last a couple of hours. We will have an English Quiz ready for you every other Tuesday!

The bar is open from 16:00 on Tuesdays, and you are welcome to either bring Take-Away food or order from the bar. You can find some menues on our billboard or use our free WIFI to order at roomservice.no.

Henriken has an age limit of 20 years. If you know anyone who would like to join who is at least 18 years of age and has not yet turned 20, please let us know in advance.

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