Tracing the Fjord w. Oslo Apiary & Aviary

Kid: “Hva driver dere med?”
OAA: “Vi skal gå langs vannet.”

Forbipasserende: “Hvor skal dere hen?”
OAA: “Vi skal gå langs vannet til Høvikodden.”

Velmenende person: “Det er lettere å gå rundt, der oppe.” (peker)
OAA: “Vi har lyst til å gå langs vannet.” (peker)

Grunneier: “Hva gjør dere her?”
OAA: “Vi har lyst til å gå langs vannet”
Grunneier: “Dere må gå bak på veien der.”
OAA: “Vi har lyst til å gå langs vannet.”
Grunneier: “Dette er privat eiendom.”
OAA: “Aha.. Vi skal gå langs vannet.”

- Script, Tracing the Fjord
June 7, Oslo Apiary & Aviary will contribute a three-day performative walk to the Future Farmers led journey “The Land is Beautiful, The Sky is Beautiful, When Will they Meet?”.

To join the open procession and see the day schedueles, follow this link:…

Oslo Apiary & Aviary will transport animals along the fjord from Losæter til Henie Onstad Kunstsenter. We will trace what is left of the public’s right to access the Fjord (allemennsretten). To find our way, we will need to accept the help of strangers. To walk next to the shore, we may need to ask for permission in places the commune has not follow up on their regulation plans. The resulting trail – a result of meetings with the landscape, house owners and obstacles along the shoreline, and consequently inland drift – will be mapped using GPS and result in a digitally, publicly available map, so that others can thread the trail into existence.

Our performance “Tracing the Fjord” will be presented and disseminated at Oslo Flaneur Festival on June 23.……

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