Klubb Vriompeis: Jessica Moss (CA/A Silver Mr. Zion) + Silje Huleboer

BLÅ | MANDAG 16. OKTOBER | KL. 20:00 | CC: 160,- | ID: 20

JESSICA MOSS (A Silver Mt. Zion/CA)


Etter å ha vært involvert i band som The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra, har Jessica Moss satt seg selv på pidestallen og har begynt å ta sine først skritt som soloartist. Hun slapp nettopp debutalbumet sitt – Pools Of Light – på herlige Constellation Records.

Hun har spilt mange konserter den siste tiden og mottatt svært gode kritikker:

“Nothing mattered as she opened things up, drew the curtain back and revealed the stars arranged against the black of infinite space. She was using loops, pedals, effects, she was entirely blowing me away. Well, I’m a sucker for a good drone. I don’t know what-all she was doing, there were sounds floating around in the mix that didn’t sound anything like a fiddle. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before the audience had doubled, and was pressed up to the stage, rapt. Jessica Moss solo is a force of nature – if you missed this show, you’ve got another chance to see her in the Pop Montreal festival.” (Vince Tinguely, CKUT)

“Moss knows how to strike a mood, and she did so consistently, carving out spare, haunting narratives on her instrument, which she put through an array of loops and effects, evocatively layering but never overwhelming. She ended, far too soon, on a mournful note, plaintively and patiently lapping notes over a looped bed of scratchy noodling. We would have taken another hour of this, gladly. (T’Cha Dunlevy, Montreal Gazett

Jessica Moss:

Silje Huleboer er bedre kjent fra pop-duoen Ole & Silje Huleboer. Soloprosjektet hennes er noe ganske annet og befinner seg i et filmatisk lydlandskap bestående av vakker koralvokal, ambience og kaotisk støy. Kun ved hjelp av stemme bygger hun opp vegger av lyd hvor harmonier oppstår og forsvinner. Komposisjonen ender til slutt i et kakofonisk teppe av stemmer som noen ganger brekker opp i aggressive støypartier.

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