Ghost-bodies - butoh-workshop -alle nivå


Denne helgen vil vi puste liv i våre forfedre og eksistensen av utallige vesen. Du blir guidet gjennom improvisasjoner som lar kroppen forsvinne for så å bli gjenskapt. Vi benytter bilder fra naturen til å utforske spørsmål som: Hva er liv? Hva er den menneskelige tilstanden? Hva er kropp?

I tillegg til individuell improvisasjon vil vi gjøre partnerarbeid som vil hjelpe deltakernes reise i dette arbeidet.

Bli med og opplev en treningsmetode innen butoh som retter seg mot den subtile kroppen og sinnet og som utforsker butohens estetikk i kreativt arbeid.

Workshopen inkluderer utforskninger i den fysiske naturen og de transformerende kropper.Det vil spesielt bli fokusert på de ulike bestanddelene i kroppen og kroppsliggjøringen av disse. Et essensielt prinsipp i butoh er å å transformere fra tomme eller usynlige kropper, kropper av bare rom og pust – som kan erfares som ånder eller spøkelser. Det er også vanlig å erfare de kroppslige bestanddelene gjennom grunnelementene vann, jord, ild, lut etc.

Workshopen henter sin inspirasjon fra Joan’s trening men butoh master Kazuo Ohno, Yoko Ashikawa og Atsushi Takenouchi, samt hennes bakgrunn som praktikant av Tai chi og abeid som gartner.

Sted: Oslo Teatersenter, Trafo, Hovindveien 1, 0576 Oslo

Tid: Fredag kl 18 – 20, lørdag: kl 11 – 17, søndag kl 11 – 16

Påmelding til: [email protected]

Early-bird før 1.februar: 800kr for alle dagene

Ordinær pris 1000 kr

Eventfoto av: Karolina Bieszczad Stie


This workshop is a process of erasing and re-creating the body through guided improvisation largely inspired by nature imagery. There will be a special focus on exploring different body materials and re-embodiment.

Experience training methods towards a supple body and mind and investigate aesthetics common to butoh through creative explorations. ETS explores endless questions: What is life? What is the human condition? What is the body?
The workshop structure includes explorations of physical, nature, and transforming bodies. It’s common in butoh to transform from empty or invisible bodies, bodies composed of empty space or only breath, which can be experienced as ghosts or spirits. It’s also common to explore body materials of the elements of water, earth, wind, fire, etc. In this workshop we will expand the kinds of materials and the ways of re-embodying ghost bodies as a way to breathe life into our ancestors and the existence of countless beings.
Partner work will facilitate participants’ individual and collective journeys.

The workshop draws from Joan’s training with Butoh Masters Kazuo Ohno, Yoko Ashikawa and Atsushi Takenouchi and her background as a Tai Chi practitioner and professional gardener.


Joan Laage (Kogut) studied under butoh masters Kazuo Ohno and Yoko Ashikawa and performed with Ashikawa’s group Gnome in Japan in the late 80s, and more recently, has enjoyed training with Atsushi Takenouchi. After settling in Seattle in 1990, she formed Dappin’ Butoh, a company known for its appearances in Seattle’s fringe theater and dance festivals. Joan has performed and taught at national and international butoh and dance festivals and was a featured artist at the UCLA Butoh Symposium in May 2011, and has been an adjunct faculty at Cornish College of The Arts (Seattle). She is featured in Dancing Into Darkness: Butoh, Zen, And Japan and Butoh: Metamorphic Dance and Global Alchemy by Sondra Horton Fraleigh. She performs frequently at the Seattle Japanese Garden where she is a docent. Joan is a founding member of DAIPANbutoh Collective which produces an annual butoh festival in Seattle. During her 2019 February European tour, Joan will share her art and philosophy in Norway and Italy. This winter will be her fourth time to teach and perform in collaboration with the Oslo Butohlaboratorium. In 2015, Joan created a work that was performed at Toyen Kirke, the group joined Joan’s Earth Tomes Project in a performance at the Grusomhetens Teater in 2017, and in 2018, Joan performed “Rose” in their Forbidden Feminine evening. Joan has also created two short films with local Butoh photographer Karolina Bieszczad Stie set in Oslo.

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