
Grunnet de nye tiltakene fra Oslo kommune mot Korona-viruset er Wadruna-konserten flyttet til 10. april 2021. Kjøpte billetter gjelder til ny dato. Billettkjøpere vil bli kontaktet. Vi kommer tilbake med mer informasjon når vi har bedre oversikt over situasjonen.

Rockefeller / John Dee / Sentrum Scene

Wardruna skriver:
After recommendations from the Norwegian Institute of Health regarding actions to prevent the further outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, the respective Municipalities in Oslo, Bergen, Kristiansand and Stavanger has now implemented a total ban for events with more than 500 attending. This ban will effect all of our upcoming concerts in these cities and so we are very sad to inform you that they will all be postponed until next year. Everyone who has bought a ticket to these concerts will be contacted by the respective venues asap with an e-mail with more practical information. Please also follow information posted in the Facebook events. If and when there are solid news regarding any of our other upcoming concerts we will keep you posted. We are truly sorry for this inconvience.
Stay safe people and hope to see you soon! »

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