Unpleasant Movies - Come and See (Elem Klimov, 1985)



Unpleasant Movies viser Come and See av Elem Klimov tirsdag som kommer.


Unpleasant-president Traumas Slim-monster Kvalmbra om filmen: There is no movie quite like Come and See. It is the ultimate anti war movie, exploring the devastating effects on civilians and lower ranking soldiers by the violent inclinations of people in power.

It is a cinematic masterpiece, beautiful and haunting, by a Soviet director at the peak of his career. Unlike a lot of art depicting war there is no glorification of violence, no heroes or heroic deeds. It is at once terrible and meditative, as it shows the journey of young Florya who dreams of defending his homeland of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. Few films merit a watch as much as this, don’t miss it!

Om Unpleasant movies
Dedicated to harsh and unrelenting cinema, the groups goal is to make a list of brutal films that tear at the soul and perhaps to organize events for viewing such films.


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