Narrative Wars: The Politics of Memory

The Syrian war is not only fought with guns and bombs, but also with words and narratives. The Syrian regime is funding efforts to manipulate the Syrian story while others are documenting regime war crimes. Such “narrative wars” are not unique to Syria. They are a normal occurrence during and after violent conflicts, including ethnic cleansings and genocides.

The Holocaust, the Nakba and the Syrian war all have one thing in common: Efforts to document and remember these historical injustices have been crucial to get justice for the victims.

The film For Sama is a difficult, yet important, to watch. It reminds us to ask critical questions such as: why is it important to document and bear witness to the horrors of the past? Who is responsible for preserving the narrative? Is it pursuable, or even possible, to agree on one grand narrative? Can preserved narratives and collective memories redeem the victims?

Uğur Ümit Üngör, Professor of History at Amsterdam University.
Nadim Khoury, Associate Professor in International Studies at Lillehammer University College.
Cora Alexa Døving, senior researcher at the Norwegian Holocaust Center.
Moderator: Line Khateeb, SPACE Chair of the Board

In cooperation with SPACE

NB: Filmen For Sama vises 18:00 på Vega Scene (sal 1). Ugur Ungor vil introdusere visningen.


Om Human International Documentary Film Festival:

HUMAN internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival er Oslos største dokumentarfilmfestival og byr på norske og internasjonale aktuelle dokumentarer i kombinasjon med debatter, samtaler, seminarer og workshops, kunstutstilling, teater og konserter, med mer. Festivalen består av to konkurranseprogrammer og et mangfoldig filmprogram med fokus på menneskerettigheter og samfunnsspørsmål.

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