The new Global Currency is out 09.09.09

The first and new Global Currency is released as of 09.09.09

-Art is the only currency that can bring stability and peace on a global scale.

The new Global Currency is named Reddymade and distributed by the Global Art Of Reddymade/Bank of Reddymade

The artist Chris Reddy (Norwegian) is behind this project to make the world a financially healthier place.

Enjoy a safe and healthy currency, enjoy Reddymades,


The dollar will collapse and a new Global currency can not be agreed upon. Chinese money is out of the question and the banking systems
of the world are not to be trusted as they are. Will we see wars and mistrust because of this? Sure!

Art is safe. It is in its essence interested in a world where people share; ideas, emotions and experiences.
The value of art increases over time, when it proves its necessity by insisting on being there for us.
Reddymade has therefore made the new Global Currency named REDDYMADE.
This currency will be the alternative to a war started by the financial world.

So – start using Reddymades, today – and live safely and happy ever after.

Peace and prosperity worldwide,


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