Utstilling og lansering av fanzine: Philophopherph Phone


Sound of Mu viser utstillingen Philophopherph Phone

Andreas Ervik, aka Brian Beluga, holder med dette sin første separatutstilling, og lanserer fanzine utgitt på det svenske kunstforlaget Svartkonst.

Vernissage og fest tirsdag 22.februar kl 19:30.

Philophopherph phone

E.T. phones home. Life on earth is too difficult so he’s gotta fly. He enters the spaceship and leaves us behind. E.T. waves goodbye and like the kid in the movie, we cry. We lose him again. We lose home again.

Voldemort wants the philosopher’s stone. Harry Potter defeats him, and we learn that the dark lord could never have reached the stone. Potter could, because he didn’t want to use it, unlike Voldemort, who wanted to make the elixir of life from it.

The scream of agony as Voldemort dies comes from the same place as our tears when E.T. leaves. We are unable to shake our own anxiety of death away, so we try to make elixirs or hope someone can guide us to a safe place.

We need the stone or the phone. It doesn’t matter which. There seems to be only two possible escape routes: running away or turning evil. But what if we’ve already reached home?





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