The Neverending Musical
lørdag 7. mai 2011 kl. 12:00 på Kurant og syv andre tidspunkter
Kurant har gleden av å presentere utstillingen The Neverending Musical.
Utstillingen er kuratert av Gustav Samrelius (utvekslingstudent til Kunstakademiet i Tromsø 2008) og Anna Åstrand. Begge basert i Stockholm.
Tilsammen lager 11 unge kunstnere fra Sverige, Tyskland, USA og Canada en utstilling/musical.
The Neverending musical is a performance piece where every piece deposited by individual or collaborative artist groups pose as a different character, the gallery then situates itself as a scene. It takes the form of a musical in order to harbour oneiric plot shifts, cumulative live soundtracks and dynamic sets composed of tarot card readings, paintings, light spectacles, dance performance, and various props that are used in clever segue. The title alludes to Michael Endes Neverending Story (1979) where the audience, the reader, the voyeur, gradually become more involved in the plot. As the scene is void of an off stage, it is clear that objects and performative residue take on stance of sculpture, painting ect. and exist in the gallery, after the fact as works on their own right
Deltagende kunstnere er:
Anna Åstrand,
Gustav Samrelius
Karin Zettergren
Lena Bergendahl
Tamara Hendersson
Vera Sjunneson
Windyfur Rundgren
Henrik Ekesiöö
Nico Woche
Dan Riley
Jeanine Han
Utstillingen åpner fredag 29.04 klokka 17.00
Liveprogram fra 17.00 – 22.00