Call for Collaborators-Design Safari Brainstorm (Sunday Service vol. ?)


Sunday Service is a service design action group consisting of people from a multitude of academic and proffesional backgrounds. We look into Norwegian public services, research them and figure out how to improve them. Our next project is The Design Safari. Come help us brainstorm! Open for all!

Do you want to collaborate on the Oslo experience of the summer?

“Social Design exists as a way of thinking about what, why, and how design (product and/or process) can or does address the ever-changing needs of a society.”
…-Kate Andrews, This is Service Design Thinking

What happens when you take an interdisciplinary inter-generational group of people out of their regular lives and place them into a highly co-hosted space for a ‘pressure cooker’ experience?

Exposing them to extreme diversity of culture, background, and mindset, what could be accomplished if these people truly spent quality time together?

With a strong focus on process and product including rapid prototyping and interventions, the Social Design Safari aims to answer these questions including a clear value component for innovation that is good for the world.

There is a broad agreement that innovation is necessary to meet the serious challenges currently facing society seeking a sustainable future. Taking a ‘space-based’ approach to innovation, the Social Design Safari (SDS) brings participants on a journey- out of the typical day-to-day environment and out of conventional comfort zones. Focusing on space, diversity, alternate realities, experiential environments, and incubation time, SDS is designed to host an environment that maximizes the conditions in which innovative process, products, and services can be created with deeper meaning and value for a more resilient future.

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