The Curators’ Piece stiller spørsmål ved kunstens betydning og rolle i samtiden. Forestillingen er bygget opp som et prosjekt der to østeuropeiske kunstnere inviterer kuratorer fra ledende institusjoner og festivaler i Vest-Europa og USA for samarbeid og dialog. De konfronteres med følgende spørsmål: Kan kunsten redde verden? Hva kan kunsten fortsatt snakke om i dag? Hva er kuratoren og kunstnerens ansvar og rolle? Prosjektet realiseres gjennom fem verk – en utgave av Frakcija-journalen, kalt On Curating the Performing Arts, forestillingen The Trial of Art, videoinstallasjonen The Game With Objects, et onlinearkiv og multimediabibliotek, og en iPhone-applikasjon.

The Curators’ Piece questions the importance and role of art in contemporary society. The performance is structured like a project in which two Eastern European artists invite curators from leading art institutions and festivals in Western Europe and USA to collaborate and initiate dialogue. They are confronted with the following questions: Can art save the world? What can art still say something about today? What is the responsibility and role of the curator and the artist? The project is realized in five parts – one issue of the Frakcija journal called On Curating the Performing Arts, the performance The Trial of Art, the video installation The Game With Objects, an online archive and multimedia library and an iPhone application.

The video work The Game with Objects – a first result of The Curators Piece – will be shown at Logen Teater October 20th – 26th. at h: 12.00 – 16.00.

Concept & realisation: Tea Tupajić & Petra Zanki | Directing, light: Tea Tupajić | Dramaturgy, movement: Petra Zanki Performing curators: Per Ananiassen (No), Sven Age Birkeland (No), Vallejo Gantner (USA), Gundega Laivina (Lv), Florian Malzacher (At/De), Priit Raud (Est), & Mark Yeoman (Nl) | Co-produced by: Banana Gerila, BIT Teatergarasjen, BUDA, Performance space 122, Teaterhuset Avantgarden, MDT, Norderzoon, Baltic Circle, Baltoscandal, Homo Novus, O Espaco do Tempo | The research was also supported by: PACT Zollverein, On The Boards, steirischer herbst. | The project has received support from: City Council Zagreb, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia and Trust for Mutual Understanding.

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