Underground benefit for grassroot blockades of fascist marches in Poland presents: Regn, Jenkem Warriors & Dj Provocut


Pressrelease from the initiative group N11AC:

We blocked – we block – we will block!

We have no choice. The launching of our 2011 campaign has been precipitated by another series of attacks from the radical right milieus in Białystok and Jedwabne. Facing these events the ’FASZYZM NIE PRZEJDZIE-’ (“Fascism will not pass”-)campaign is coming back to the streets.

Deteriorating living conditions of a large part of society and the resulting anxiety have traditionally been falsely diagnosed by nationalist and neofascist organizations. They are aimed at diverting our attention from the real social and economic problems and lead to discrimination and exclusion. It is in this context that such attacks as the one recently carried out by a norwegian neofascist Anders Breivik have occurred. He made no effort to conceal his ideological affinity with the polish extreme right, and the nature of his direct connections with it is still being examined.

In the last few years, these circles have not been satisfied with brutal attacks on people who do not match their image of Polish identity. Making use of the passivity of society they have tried to enter, step by step, the public sphere. Marches through city centres, organized to demonstratate the alleged power of these groups, have played a central role in their strategy. The November 11 march in Warsaw has become a culminating point.

This march, taking place on the National Independance Day, has been the scene of anti-Semitic, rascist, xenophobic and neofascist excesses for more then a decade. Only recently more people have started to realize that something unacceptable has become a norm. When a social protest gained in firmness (blockades of 2009), the organizers of the march made a tactical move: they gave the brownshirt parade a confusing name of “the Independence March” and started to build a patriotic backgróund behind it. It was meant to continue the demonstrations of power, draw more naive people and discredit the opponents of the march asking “how can one block a patriotic march?!”.

However, one had to be exceptionally naive to get taken in. The core of the „Independence March” has consisted of the same organizations and groups for years. They are responsible for racist, xenophobic and homophobic acts of violence, like these in Białystok, that have taken place throughout the year. Their combat groups, always present at November 11 marches, are getting more and more violent by the year. The “Independence March” masquerade notwithstanding, last year they were again running across the city shouting out “Rudolf Hess” and attacking “the enemies of the nation”. They showed what they are capable of cutting each other with knives.

Fortunately, the attempt at using the cover of patriotism was interpreted correctly and exposed by the majority of observers. It was proved by the record attendance at the antifascist blockades in November 2010. A few thousand people stood in the way of the shameful march and did not let it into the city centre. Each person had different reasons for their participation in the blockades. Some did not allow racists and nationalists to march; others defended human rights, the equality of rights, democratic values, civil freedoms or tollerance. Also many victims of neofascist violence met at the blockades.

We know that nationalists and neofascists are planning again to march along the streets of Warsaw. We know they are trying to draw people from outside their structures, in order to impart a sense of universality to the march. We know that this year they signed it as „The Independence March Society” which is yet another front. All this not to scare away normal citizens with names like ONR (National Radical Camp) Młodzież Wszechpolska (All-Polish Youth) NOP (National Rebirth of Poland), Blood & Honour or Combat 18.

However, it is these groupings that have been most active in mobilizing people to come to the march.
We should remember that on November 11 there are plenty of gatherings and events throughout the country where one can express their patriotoic feelings. Consciously choosing, from among all these forms of celebration, to march shoulder to shoulder with nazi-sympathetic groupings, one legitimizes their activity and should not be surprised by being identified with them.

Our activity is a grass-roots attempt at building social solidarity founded on respect for everyone irrespective of their origin, faith, gender or sexual orientation. If neofascists want to march again, we have no choice but to block their march again. There is no, and will not be any acceptance of the activity of people inciting to discrimination, even organizing themselves with this aim.

Blocking – we chart the way forward! Fascism shall not pass!

‘November 11 Agreement’ Coalition

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