"Twilight Zone"


Dortmund Bodega presenterer

“Twilight Zone”
Ník Timková, Jakub Hošek, Vít Svoboda, Anders Grønlien

31.8 – 10.9.2012

Utstillingsåpning 31 august, 2012, klokken 18:00 konsert med hemmelig artist !!!! kl 21:00 etterfulgt av the Pastel Police investigation Dj´s
Omvisning med kunstnerne Lørdag 1 sept fra kl 14:00 20:00

mandag-fredag: 10:00 – 16:00
lørdag – søndag: 12:00 – 18:00

Dortmund Bodega
Grønlandsleiret 55
Oslo, Norge

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.
—Rod Serling

Twilight zone, Rod Serlings kult tv serie fra 1959, beskriver et mentalt plan som er forskøvet fra virkeligheten ut i fra urovekkende, absurde, overnaturlige og uforklarlige hendelser. Kunstnerne i denne utstillingen, gjennom deres bearbeidelse av sine inspirasjonskilder, møter i likhet med protagonistene i Twilight Zone, en liknende forskyvelse.
Med ambisjoner om å spre magi, kjærlighet og vennskap søker de Praha-baserte kunstnerene Nik Timková, Jakub Hosek, Vit Svoboda og Anders Grønlien å utforske og kanskje latterligjøre produkt- og billed-fremstilling og tilbyr merkelige og radikale alternativer.
Kunstnerne i denne utstillingen har alle nær tilknytning til galleri A.M.180 i Praha og har hatt sine separatutstillinger der.
Utstillingen Twilight Zone er første gang de stiller ut sammen i en gruppeutstilling og fungerer derfor som en ramme der kunstnerne kan se sine arbeider i en kollektiv kontekst som vil kunne belyse likeheter, forskjeller og sjangeroverskridende muligheter i deres virksomhet. Twilight Zone gir samtidig publikum innblikk i samtidige trender i et aktivt kunstnermiljø i Praha rundt galleri A.M.180 som aldri før har blitt vist i Norge.
Fellesnevner for utstillerne er en intuitiv arbeidsprosess i søken etter nye visuelle utrykk og personlig stilmessig utvikling. De jobber i tråd med spesifikke subkulturer, musikalske sjangre, visuelle strømninger i sammenheng med disse, DIY-kultur og punk-etikk. Nik Timková beskriver “Antagonisme er en del av hvem vi er, et alter til lidenskapene I livene våre. Denne type punk-energi er unikt tidløs; Twilight Zone blir her en slags dystopisk fantasi malstrom av hurtig skiftende trender, livløse og utskiftbare stilarter, og tilfeldige absurditeter.”
Projsektet søker også å skape kontakt mellom de to kunstnerdrevne visningsstedene galleri A.M.180 i Praha og Dortmund Bodega i Oslo, slik at de får sjansen til å møtes og dele erfaringer og tanker rundt hvordan, hvorfor og under hvilke omstendigheter slike visningssteder opererer og hvilke strategiske muligheter disse har ut fra forskjellige sosio-politiske perspektiver.

For privat visning utenom åpningstidene vennlights kontakt

Anders Grønlien tlf: 98449804
Leander Djønne tlf: 92085817

Utstillingen er støttet av Norsk Kulturråd

Dortmund Bodega presents

“Twilight Zone” by
Ník Timková, Jakub Hošek, Vít Svoboda, Anders Grønlien

Opening of exhibition friday 31st of August 2012 from 20:00
Secret music act to play at 21:00 followed by the Pastel Police investigation DJ´s
Commented tour with the artists saturday 1st of september from 14:00 – 18:00.

opening hours:
monday – friday: 10:00 – 16:00
Saturday – Sunday : 12:00 – 18:00

Dortmund Bodega
Grønlandsleiret 55
Oslo, Norway

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. —Rod Serling

Twilight Zone, Rod Serlings cult tv show from 1959 describes a mental plane which due to disturbing, absurd supernatural and unexplainable events is juxtaposed out of reality. The artists in this exhibition, through the reworking of their sources of inspiration, experience a similar mental shift as that of the protagonists in the twilight zone.
Seeking to spread magic, love and friendship the Prague based artists Nik Timková, Jakub Hosek, Vit Svoboda og Anders Grønlien explore, often mocking, product and image production process and offer strange infinite and radical alternatives.
All of them are closely related to A.M.180 gallery and have held their respective solo exhibitions there as well as working together on random collaborative projects
The exhibition Twilight Zone however is first time these artists exhibit together in a group-exhibition and will therefore function as a framework which will have the potential to illuminate similarities, differences as well as genre transcending possibilities in their work. Twilight Zone also gives the audience insight into contemporary trends in an active artist community in Prague around A.M.180 gallery that has never before been show in Norway.
Common denominator for the exhibitors is utilizing an intuitive work process in their search for new visual expressions and personal stylistic development. They work in connection to specific sub cultures, musical genres, visual currents in connection with them, DIY culture and punk ethics. Nik Timkova describes “Antagonism is part of what we are – an altar to the passions of our life. This type of punk energy is uniquely timeless: the Twilight Zone here is kind of dystopic imagination vortex of rapidly shifting trends, vapid and exchangeable styles and random absurdity.”
The exhibition also seeks to establish a connection between the two artist run galleries, A.M.180 gallery in Prague and Dortmund Bodega in Oslo, to experience each others work first hand as well as exchange experiences and thoughts about how, why and under what circumstances these exhibition spaces operate from two different socio-political perspectives.

For enquiries about private viewings outside the opening hours please contact:

Anders Grønlien ph: 98449804 or
Lenander Djønne ph: 92085817

The exhibition is realized with the kind support of the Norwegian arts Council.

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