CASSIRER AND THE AESTHETIC: Expression, Representation, Significance

The Seminar of Aesthetics invite you to rediscover the aesthetic philosophy of Ernst Cassirer in this one-day seminar with Birgit Recki, Marion Lauschke, Carmen Metta and Aud Sissel Hoel. The seminar is open to all interested.
February 28, 2013, 09-16, AUD 1, HELGA ENGS HUS, Universitetet Blindern


For many years the leading neo-Kantian philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) was thought to be a name of the past. However, in recent years Cassirer’s philosophy has been the subject of increasing attention from researchers and scholars. Particularly his doctrine of “basic phenomena” has been hailed as something completely new and original on Cassirer’s part, bringing him into contact with modern phenomenology and hermeneutic philosophy.

One of the things that scholars have (re)discovered in Cassirer is his rich understanding of what one could call “the aesthetic dimension” of myth, language, art and science. Under the caption “Cassirer and the aesthetic – Expression, Representation, Significance” the Seminar of Aesthetics at the University of Oslo has invited four eminent experts on “Cassirer and the aesthetic” to illuminate the relevance and significance of Cassirer’s thinking for present day aesthetics.

Birgit Recki is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hamburg. She is the editor of the collected works of Ernst Cassirer (Gesamtausgabe) and is currently Präsidentin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetik.

Marion Lauschke holds a doctorate in philosophy. She wrote her thesis on Cassirer, published in 2007 as Die ästhetische Vorgeschichte der Symbolphilosophie Ernst Cassirers und die symbolische Form der Kunst, and currently belongs to the Kolleg-Forschegruppe Bildakt und Verkörperung at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Carmen Metta wrote her doctoral thesis on Ernst Cassirer and Paul Klee under Professor Giulio Raio at the Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, where she is currently employed at the Dipartimento di Filosofia e Politica. She is also the Associate Editor of the journal Cassirer Studies.

Aud Sissel Hoel is Associate Professor of Visual Communication at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is the co-editor of a new book on Cassirer’s view on technology, Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), and is currently manager of the research project Picturing the Brain: Perspectives on Neuroimaging.

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