PRAKSIS is an Oslo-based not-for-profit organisation running arts residencies that focus on developing artistic practice through discussion and shared experience.

Our name PRAKSIS, Norwegian for practice, also invokes the English word ‘praxis’: the fusion of theory and practice. This represents our central ethos: to support creative practitioners, and to foreground the processes of making, thinking, discussion and exchange essential to all successful works of art.

PRAKSIS aims to open the artistic process up to a wide audience, and encourage a deeper engagement with and understanding of contemporary art – getting people excited about what artists do, not just what they produce.

Community – local, national and international – is key to PRAKSIS’s thinking. We aim to link talented arts professionals from around the world to the Norwegian arts scene and its wider community, building links and enabling public access wherever we can.

Dette har skjedd på PRAKSIS …

Fredag 25. mai 2018

  • 10:00 Symposium // Adornment and Gender: Engaging Conversation, PRAKSIS

    Hvordan brukes kroppsutsmykning til å uttrykke eller undergrave kjønnsidentitet? Hvilke etiske problemer møter man når man samler og formidler personlige historier av sensitiv karakter? Hvilke nye metoder innenfor formidling kan kommuniserer denne typen komplisert forskningsmateriale på en effektiv måte? Gjennom residensoppholdet, Adornment and Gender: Engaging Conversation, har elleve lokale og internasjonale aktører med tverrfaglige bakgrunner (innen mote, smykkedesign, antropologi, …

Onsdag 2. mai 2018

Torsdag 26. april 2018

  • 12:00 Meet the residents, PRAKSIS

    Seminaret introduserer en internasjonal tverrfaglig gruppe med bakgrunner innenfor visuell kunst, kunsthåndverk, mote og etnografi, som sammen skal utforske temaer rundt kroppsutsmyknings rolle i relasjon til uttrykk av kjønnsidentitet. Deltagerne vil gi en kort presentasjon av sin praksis, etterfulgt av en Q&A og videre diskusjon. Kom å bli bedre kjent med: Tone Bjerkaas (NO), Auli Laitinen (SE), Matt Lambert (USA), Benjamin Lignel (FR), Nanna Melland, Darja Popolitova (EE), Aleyda Rocha …

Søndag 22. april 2018

Mandag 6. november 2017

  • 19:00 PRAKSIS Event // Children of Violence: A Lecture on Curatorial Practice, PRAKSIS

    Natasha Marie Llorens will present a brief overview of six exhibitions that comprise her long-term curatorial research project, Children of Violence. The project as a whole presents artwork that renders visible contemporary forms of social violence: racism, homophobia, toxic masculinity and misogyny, transphobia, xenophobia and fascist nationalism. Llorens will use case studies to draw out the overarching ethical questions this kind of work raises for the curator. The Children of Violence is …

Torsdag 2. november 2017

  • 13:00 PRAKSIS Event // Meet The Residents, PRAKSIS

    PRAKSIS’s eighth residency, Curating the social: Meet me at the empty centre, has been developed with curator and writer Natasha Marie Llorens and Norsk Kuratorforening (The Norwegian Association of Curators). Eight participants will explore examine the curator’s role in facilitating social practice in contemporary art, foregrounding the ethical questions of their involvement. Meet and learn about the work of Ina Hagen (NO), Jasmine Hinks (GB), Maria Jonsson (SE), Michael McLoughlin (IE), …

Tirsdag 26. september 2017


    Creating contexts for meaningful collaboration is significant for Maria Lind, İz Öztat, and Nicholas John Jones. This conversation will begin from their experiences and you are invited to contribute to open discussion about approaches to collaboration and the agency these hold. Maria Lind is a curator, writer and educator based in Stockholm. She is the director of Tensta konsthall, Stockholm, and professor of artistic research at Kunstakademiet in Oslo. She was artistic director of the 11th …

Tirsdag 19. september 2017

  • 09:30 PRAKSIS – Meet The Residents, PRAKSIS

    PRAKSIS’s seventh residency, ‘For A Rainy Day: Publishing As A Site Of Collectivization’, has been developed with artist Iz Oztat and Torpedo Bookshop / Torpedo Press, and graphic design studio Eller med a. The group of eight talented artists will explore publishing as an integral part of artistic practice, and its potential to bring groups together to articulate artistic imaginaries, shaping communities and propose alternative value systems and political horizons. The group includes Vika …

Fredag 15. september 2017

  • 18:00 Oslo Kulturnatt ved Rådhusgata 19, PRAKSIS

    PRAKSIS og BOA åpner dørene til Oslos eldste bindingsverkshus, Rådhusgata 19, Anatomigården for Oslo Kulturnatt 2017. Kom innom oss for å se: BOA // “I FOLKETS NAVN”, der deler av Oslos befolkning har vært aktive i å forme utstillingens innhold og sammensetning. Det har skjedd via åpne valg med stemmesedler og urner gjort tilgjengelige på biblioteker og i valgboder i forkant av utstillingen. Gruppe 11, kunstnergruppen som står bak, benytter seg av estetikken rundt valg og valgkamp, samtidig som …

Fredag 9. juni 2017

  • 18:00 Seminar // Should Artists Be Entrepreneurs?, PRAKSIS

    Should artists embrace, subvert or actively resist the mounting pressure to adopt entrepreneurial approaches? What are the potential or consequences of this trend internationally and for Norway? Panellists include* Jeremy Bailey* (artist Canada), Nora O’Murchu (lecturer, researcher and curator at the Interaction Design Centre in the University of Limerick) and Ruben Steinum (artist and Chair of the Board of UKS). Jeremy Bailey’s inventive and endearingly self-deflating performance practice has …

Onsdag 31. mai 2017


    PRAKSIS is pleased to announce the launch of The Moving Museum Anthologies Issue II: Lean Artist Smoke Test, edited by Jeremy Bailey, on May 31st 2017. The launch forms part of PRAKSIS’s Summer 2017 residency The Artist Entrepreneur, developed with Famous New Media artist Jeremy Bailey in collaboration with UKS and The Moving Museum. Bailey’s residency will question the growing tendency within many arms of the ‘culture industry’ to require that artists adopt ‘culturepreneurial’ approaches and …

Mandag 22. mai 2017

  • 10:30 PRAKSIS // Meet The Residents, PRAKSIS

    Get to know the eleven talented individuals involved in The Artist Entrepreneur, PRAKSIS’s summer 2017 residency addressing the growing tendency within many arms of the ‘culture industry’ to require artists to adopt entrepreneurial approaches. They are Jeremy Bailey (CA), Brandon Covington Sam-Sumana (US), Esra Duzen Sandemose (TR), Sebastian Makonnen Kjølaas & Siri Hjorth (NO), Kirsty Kross (AU), Magnus Myrtveit (NO), Shameer Nyland Kinniya (NO), Ruben Steinum (NO) and Tough Guy Mountain …

Onsdag 12. april 2017

  • 23:30 PRAKSIS OPEN CALL // The Artist Entrepreneur, PRAKSIS

    PRAKSIS, Unge Kunstneres Samfund and The Moving Museum are delighted to work with artist Jeremy Bailey (CA) to develop PRAKSIS’s summer 2017 residency The Artist Entrepreneur. The average artist’s yearly earnings from art practice is estimated at less than $10,000 US dollars. In the wake of widespread public defunding of the arts, there is mounting pressure on artists and galleries to “innovate or die”. Emerging from this crisis is the seductive but problematic image of the Artist Entrepreneur, …

Tirsdag 4. april 2017


    PRAKSIS is pleased to present Philosophical Considerations on Art and Science from Nina Rodin, a contemporary artist who holds a Phd in neuroscience and has professional experience in the neuroscientific research laboratory. Rodin will take you on a journey from the glorious complexities of the human brain as understood by neurophysiology today, through to notions of individuality, originality and sincerity in Art. Along the way, she will ask that most important question: what is Art and why …

Fredag 10. februar 2017


    OPEN CALL APPLICATION DEADLINE // 10/02/2017 PRAKSIS and Fotogalleriet invite international, national and local applications from interested individuals to participate in a residency led by artist Lindsay Seers (UK) between 24 March and 24 April 2017. Seers’s project, A GLOBAL STATE OF PAREIDOLIA, references in its title the phenomenon of seeing legible objects within random visual data, and has connections with the field of neuroscience. Applications from individuals with a professional, …

Mandag 26. september 2016

Mandag 1. august 2016