
Kiyoshi Yamamoto
Clemens Wilhelm
Ernst Dan Widh
Anna Törrönen
Achim Stiermann
Mariann Steiro
Tonje Høydahl Sorli
Simon Skuteli
Mari Sivertsen Norddahl
Oliver Roura
Mr. Peluche
Anne Marte Overaa
Arne Skaug Olsen
Maarja Nuurk
Olof Nimar
Paula Muhr
Eva Ljosvoll
Malin Lennström-Örtwall
Rasmus Hungnes feat. Ellen Ringstad
Azusa Kuno
Kathrin Köster
Nina Hannah Kornatz
Kveta Kazmukova
Sarah Hillebrecht
Kari Anne Helleberg
Bahri Johna Hansen
Jonathan Jung / Michel Wagenschütz
Hilde Frantzen
Benedikt Dichgans
Eleanor Clare
Wera Buck
Thomas Behling

Have you ever carried a work of art? How does the weight and the form of an artwork really feels, how heavy is it and what to do with it in an exhibition, where none of these works will have a steady place? You may pass the work to another visitor.

In this international project space exchange the Berlin based project Kreuzberg Pavillon hosts a wearable artshow at KNIPSU in Bergen, with 30 works by artists from Berlin and the nordic countries, that can be carried around and exchanged by the audience throughout the evening. A one-night event to expect the unexpected.

A group of artists, extending their own practice to the creation of new institutional settings started Kreuzberg Pavillon as an ongoing series of group shows happening every saturday in the district Kreuzberg in Berlin. Following its script over the past three years, Kreuzberg Pavillon has become one of the most active project spaces, mixing artistic practice with cultural activism in over 120 shows, and setting a new focus on alternative scripts for the presentation of artistic work.

Image: Maarja Nuurk / Project Pony

Naunynstrasse 53
Gartenstudio Berlin
10999 Berlin
Mail : kreuzbergpavillon (at) googlemail (dot) com
Public transport / ÖPNV : U1 / U8 Kottbusser Tor

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