Luther Blissett Cabaret, Akt 3: Bølger


Foreløbig har vi disse på programmet (oppdateres fortløpende):
Mylder – Musikk
Magnus Myrtveit – Musikk
Evelyn Rasmussen Ozasuwa – Dikt
Sofia Estifanos – Dikt
Lina Lipanek – Dikt
Visuelt av Ilja Badulin

Litt om “Luther Blissett”:
“Luther Blissett is a multiple-use name, an “open pop star” informally adopted and shared by hundreds of artists and activists all over Europe and the Americas since 1994. The pseudonym first appeared in Bologna, Italy, in mid-1994, when a number of cultural activists began using it for staging a series of urban and media pranks and to experiment with new forms of authorship and identity"

Vi ser fortsatt etter flinke og kreative mennesker til å bidra den 19. februar, eller en av våre andre kvelder. Dette er et arrangement som vil være en gang i måneden.
For å bidra er det nok å sende epost til [email protected] med informasjon om hva slags performance du skal presentere, hva du trenger av utstyr, hvor lang tid du vil ha på scenen, og hvis mulig en link til tidligere produsert materiale.

CC 50 kroner
BYOB (altså, ta med egne leskende drikker av ymse sort)
Starter klokken 20.00 på “Humla” inne på Hausmania.
Vi selger Club Mate og kaffe


Luther Blissett Cabaret is an art project located at Hausmania, Oslo. We arrange an event once a month where artists, comedians, poets, musicians, dancers and everyone else that has something unique can showcase their talent.

About “Luther Blissett”:
“Luther Blissett is a multiple-use name, an “open pop star” informally adopted and shared by hundreds of artists and activists all over Europe and the Americas since 1994. The pseudonym first appeared in Bologna, Italy, in mid-1994, when a number of cultural activists began using it for staging a series of urban and media pranks and to experiment with new forms of authorship and identity"

We are still looking for artist for 19th of february! If you want to contribute, send an email with information regarding your performance, equipment and time on stage to [email protected]. We would appreciate if you also linked to earlier work.

CC 50 kroner
Start: 20.00 at Humla, Hausmania
We sell Club Mate and coffee

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