Oslo Apiary pres. Oslo Aviary


Oslo Apiary is expanding into bird rearing, officially becoming Oslo Apiary & Aviary. Join our celebration Saturday May 21, at Losæter, a commons and a city development program in Sørenga, Oslo. Birds, bees and beer, will be served. A dovecote will be raised.

Oslo Aviary will be an art project along the same lines of Oslo Apiary, using the same techniques of ecoventions, non-representational performance, mixed authorships, corporate mimetism, functional and repurposed art, space- and site-specific installations and interventions in public and privatized city space. Or simpler put, placing creatures in the city and seeing what happens.

A consistent line running through our work is the questioning of the theoretical separation of “urbanity” and “nature”, how it is performed and dichotomized. We renegotiate space. By reintroducing plants and animals in the city, we ask questions about how city life can/can´t be redirected within and against current unfolding capitalist urbanization. Next up, Oslo Foxery maybe? Academic dissemination to follow.

Scheduele, May 21th

Parallel to our launchparty, Flatbread Society is arranging this happing
And if you would like to act as a human scarecrow this day, see this happening by Vandaler forening

The days scheduele thus looks like this

17:00 Human Scarecrows (Vandaler Forening)
18:00 Into the Ground and up into the Sky (Future Farmers, Oslo Apiary, Growlab, Food Studio, Hage Crew, Emmanel Rang, Jørund Aase Falkenberg, Herbanists, Xoe Christensen. Including bakehouse beam raising, grain field sowing, human scarecrows, making fires
18:30 Potluck w beer by Marius Notvik.
21:00 Baptizing Oslo Apiary & Aviary. The pole of the dovescape (No: dueslag) was raised in April. This Saturday we will be adding the house itself. Each floor can house either three pigeons/magpies/crow or six sparrows/swallows/finks. We will serve beer made with honey from the roof of ROM Gallery for Architecture.

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