Why not all of them?

We are happy to welcome you to ’Why not all of them?’ – the annual exhibition of the first year MA students,Department of Fine Art, KMD, University of Bergen (UiB)
This year participants make a wonderful and juicy cake, and this two day exhibition offers you a glimpse and taste of slices and chunks of the testing, investigating, researching, processing, experimenting, seeking or finding. Heck, why not all of them?

Exhibiting Artists:

Agnete Ilona Tangrand, Alexandra Jegerstedt, Amédine Sèdes, Anouk Morton, Ben Connell, Dimitri Thomas Kommisarov, Eléonore Griveau, Gentian Meikleham, Ingrid Skåland, Kaeto Sweeney, Kim Hankyul, Kristen Keegan, Linda Marie Westgaard, Linda Morell, Marianne Løvvik, Sandra Blichert, Sidsel Bonde, Søren Krag, Tanya Varbanova, Timothy Eklund, Tine Adler, Tine Gunvaldsen, Tone Andersen, Victor Guzman, Yu Zhu

Dates: April 21st-22nd, 12h-17h

Vernissage Friday April 20th, 19h – 21h

Opening hours: 19h – 21h

Sat. & Sun.: 12h – 17h

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