The Symbiotic Body - Light

The symbiotic body- Light
Initiated by Tove- Elena Nicolaysen

The workshop is open to dancers, actors, therapists, psychologists, educators, other artists and everyone who is interested in participating. A background in dance is not required.

Price for two days 1000 nok.
Price for one day 650 nok.

Only 13 places available.
Please contact me by mail [email protected] to reserve your space.

The workshop is a part of Hausmania festivalen 2018 and will take place at Flerbruks salen at Hausmania kulturhus in Oslo.

What is Butoh:

Butoh was born as an art form at the end of the 50s after the second world war in Japan, through Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno. Butoh dance has grown and spread throughout Europe and America the last 20 years and its forms changes and adapts according to its environment. It is often the expression of the repressed in different ways. As well as it is an expression of athentic and primordial movement and forms, the language of the bones, what we have forgotten.

What is Butoh for me:
Butoh dance is for me a never ending story. Its an onion or a babushka doll. Working towards being truly present in body and mind as one. It is a dialogue with my own bones, my own life story and my surroundings.

This workshop:

In this training we will work with our sensory perception: Our Sensory system starts to develop already from our conception until we are between 18- 20 years. Many of us are not accustomed to using our whole sense system fully and there are also some senses we hardly use or are not completely familiar with.

In this workshop we focus on the seven senses: hearing, sight, balance, kinesthetic energy space, smell, taste and haptic. We experience the mind and body as two different aspects of ourselves, which confuses our perception of presence in time and space. Through perception and breath awakens our global presence where we can start to listen to the story of our bones.

Tensegration- The global body
“Tensegrity” is the combination of forces in a structure. When a part of the structure moves with the movement of the entire structure, so everything is moving. All cells in our body have a kind of memory, an imprint. As we move from a global body we listen to and integrate those memories in our dance. The global bodies tensegration integrates all layers in us. This is our dance.

Please feel free to read our facebook event to read more about my work with Butoh and the description of the workshop.
