LAATIKKO: Arttu Partinen, Jon Wesseltoft, Tuulia Kallio, ZLE OKO


Velkommen til en kveld med konserter. Alt henger sammen: Arttu og Tuulia vokste opp på samme sted og flytta på likt til Helsinki og en del av slektstreet til Jon har røtter i Finnskogen. Litt vag og finsk sammenheng, men musikken har dem felles og denne kvelden byr dem på seg selv i Boksen.

Om du ikke veit hvor Boksen er så er det bak/under Hausmania med inngang nedafor Vega scene nede ved elva under ei bru.

Oslo based Olga23 makes feminoise// drone// punk
Fan mail saiy this about one of her tracks: This material is raw, and that’s how it sounds: raw, dirty, industrial and metallic. It could seem that the title Cicuta is a woman who introduces disorder, disrupts communities, who can be made to take the blame (see the never-ending debates concerning rape), who shouldn’t have the right to discuss abortion or defend her rights on the streets. Złe Oko (Evil Eye) talks about it in an evocative, dirty way. ZLE OKOs Bandcamp

Foto: SverigesRadio (?)
ChatGPT says:
Arttu Partinen is a Finnish artist known for his work in the realm of experimental music, particularly within the genre of noise and cut-up techniques. He has been involved in various projects and collaborations within the underground music scene.

Partinen’s music often incorporates elements of harsh noise, industrial sounds, and avant-garde composition techniques. His approach to sound manipulation and exploration can be described as unconventional and boundary-pushing.

While specific details about Arttu Partinen’s career and discography may vary, he is likely to have released music independently or through small, niche labels that cater to experimental and noise music. Fans of avant-garde and experimental music may find his work intriguing for its unique sonic qualities and exploratory nature.

As with many artists operating within the experimental music scene, Arttu Partinen’s work may not have received mainstream attention but is valued within certain circles for its artistic merit and experimental ethos.

foto: Tuulia Kallio
“Tuulia Kallio is a Finn based in Oslo. She studied ethnomusicology and drama and has worked in theater, dance and films. In her solo-performances she combines folk music elements to improvised music. She plays a variety of instruments, this time we might hear amplified tamburin or kantele. Or something else.”

foto: (?)
Jon Wesseltoft
Norwegian multi-instrumentalist musician and composer based in Oslo. Working equally with acoustic sources as with electronics. Performing solo under his own name as well as in a wide variety of projects (Beta Minus Boogie Fat, Cock Of Corpse, Maranata, The Deathtrip, Thorns Ltd., Tongues Of Mount Meru).

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