Shawn Kinley: All Things Impro - a Great Guest Series workshop with Tøyen Impro


Tøyen Impro proudly welcomes Shawn Kinley back to Oslo for our Great Guest series with a workshop suitable for all levels!

All Things Impro with Shawn Kinley (CAN)

Hit the impro hot spots of playfulness, spontaneity and awareness, and how fun risk-taking and letting go of control actually can be! Immerse yourself in an Improvisation attitude!

Improvisers tend to hold themselves back as they adapt to rules and techniques. Today our focus will help you let go and embrace your intuitive impulses.

We’ll take some old and new ideas and shift attitudes in a way that makes improvisation “work” less about the work and more about the play. And, while we are expressing our own ideas we’ll learn to play more effortlessly with partner’s offers.

Welcome to a buffet of all that is best on the improviser’s menu!

Experience: Suitable for all levels.
Duration: 3 hours.
Price: NOK 599 NOK.
Register at

Shawn Kinley has been teaching and performing all over the world for nearly 40 years (55 countries at last count)!

With a background in Mime, Mask, Physical Theatre and Improvisation, Shawn brings a mix of styles and tools from many areas for all skill levels and backgrounds.
Shawn worked directly with Keith Johnstone for more than 20 years and is based in Canada at the Loose Moose Theatre. There he perform, directs, teaches and creates when he’s not traveling the world 6 months of the year.

In 2023 he opened a school dedicated to Improvisation and related arts,

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