Official opening of the Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen - with initiator Dorothee Richter and Rakett

Celebratory opening of Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen. Our first guest and one of our main collaborators, Dorothee Richter, will give a presentation about her and Barnaby Drabble’s work collecting the Curating Degree Zero Archive, its history, aims and future.
Rakett will give an introduction to the upcoming two-week program of events, talks, concerts, and shortly present our ideas and plans for the presentation of Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen.

Archive opening hours: 18:00 – 21:00
Archive location: Nordnesparken, by the Totem
Cooking Degree Zero: Surprise-soup will be served by todays chef Anne Szefer Karlsen

This opening is the beginning of:
Rakett presents Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen from 20th Sept to 7th October
- a series of talks, presentations and concerts that will take place in a mobile unit

Please find full program with directions to accurate time, location and at

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