The Story of Modern Farming, norwegian release-concert. ah well, opening for awesome people

“Someone New”, the debut album of girlband ‘The Story of Modern Farming’, will be released end of October on the French label ’D’Autres Cordes Records’, and consequently the two ladies (Jessica Sligter på vocals, keys, electronica a.o. and Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen på sax, glockenspiel a.o.) will tour the world (USA, of course, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway) in November/December to promote zis disk.
The Story of Modern Farming fight for the preservation of the
‘imperfect’ music, and the ‘imperfect’ human. Because otherwise life would be so boring.
And, o yeah, there is no otherwise!
Boldly and proudly, we claim musical facets to be
holy judged only by our stubborn feelings and overdrawn fantasies. No
one else gets a say in it. One could claim we’re subversive by nature,
or that we’re bedroom-visionairies.
So there’s rough, there’s loud and there’s spacey and soft. Always warm.
Search for The Story of Modern Farming på YouTube! jee!

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