Åpent Forum presenterer: Simon Starling


Simon Starling is fascinated by the process involved in transforming one object or substence into another. He makes objects, installations, and pilgrimage-like journeys which draw out an array of ideas about nature, technology and economics.

What is the connection between an american cactus in a spanish desert and a volvo-engine?
How can the rhododendro flower become a threat to Scottish agriculture?

By mapping the complex, interconnected physical and cultural trajectories of an object, Starling addresses issues of politics and nationality.

Starling was born in Britain, studied at Glasgow School of Art, and now lives and works in Copenhagen.
He has exhibited widely internationaly and is represented in places like Palais de Tokyo, The Guggenheim and the Tate museum.

Simon Starling recieved the Turner prize in 2005.


Åpent Forum er en serie med forelesninger, presentasjoner og samtaler med kunstnere initiert av Kunstakademiet i Oslo. Åpent Forum finner normalt sted hver mandag kl 19.00 i auditoriet i St. Olavsgt. 32, og er åpent for alle som er interessert, også utenfor Kunstakademiet.

For mer info om Åpent Forumprogrammet, send gjerne en mail til [email protected] for spørsmål eller ønske om å komme på emaillisten vår.

Vel møtt,

Sverre Gullesen, Tora Dalseng og Victoria Pihl Lind

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