PODIUM SALONGsøndag 14.00 - 17.00


Kor går skiljet mellom politisk og ikkje-politisk kunst? Kva er politisk i kunsten – uttrykket, innhaldet, haldninga? Er dette overflødige spørsmål, eller produktiv inngang til å forstå relasjonane mellom kunstproduksjon og kunstrespesjon, og dermed mellom kunst og samfunn?

På Salongsøndag 7.oktober vil Jussi Johnsson og Pirvi Porkola presentere sitt arbeid ved Reality Research Centre (RCC) i Helsinki. Kunstnarane seier sjølv om RRC:

RRC is a new kind of ’performing arts garage’ in Finland. It was founded in 2001 by young theatre/performing arts professionals who are devoted to question the prevailing concept of reality. What is reality? How can we observe, describe, define, reflect, discuss, present or represent it? Foremost we search for new innovative ways of creating performances. As a result to this we often work in the grey area between contemporary theatre, dance, performance, visual arts and what ever is needed. We don’t have a stage of our own but a tend to make a lot of collaboration with other theatre groups and institutions. To widen our horizon we are determined to increase cooperation with performing artists abroad, with people from different fields of art and with research workers who explore reality from a different point of view

We strive towards art and society where dreams and new possibilities would exist. The society is never completed, nor is its values fixed. We think that art should always create space for thinking and acting: it should enhance the spirit of questioning the society, the existence, as well as re-thinking the conventions of art itself

Pilvi Porkola (1972)
is a performance artist, a director and a researcher based in Helsinki, Finland.
Her works include video, performances, research and writings. Her main interests are to study basics of performativity, a combination between a live art and video and politics of performance. She is a member of Reality Research Center and one of Center’s research leaders in 2007. Porkola’s performances have been shown in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany.

Jussi Johnsson was born in Kuusankoski in 1966. After graduating from the Theatre Academy of Finland (MA) in 1997 he has worked as a freelance actor in various productions and theatres in Finland and Sweden. He has also performed in Finnish TV, films and radio theatre at The Finnish Broadcasting Company. Johnsson has been a member of Reality Research Center since 2002.

Mer informasjon på www.todellisuus.fi

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