Moroccan Diaspora, Internet and National Imagination

Seminar med Amina Loukili, marokkansk journalist og foreleser ved avd. for mediefag, Høgskulen i Volda.

Utdrag fra presentasjonen:

With large growing communities of immigrants dispersed in different parts of the world, eager to preserve their identities and cultures, the Internet has become an ideal cost-effective communication tool that facilitates interaction within the diaspora. As Moroccan immigrants seek to maintain ties with their homeland, many are increasingly embracing the Internet to produce and develop a new sense of community where they can create new discourses about identity, belonging and citizenship. For this purpose, they have established electronic portals, forums, blogs, online magazines and other electronic networks to maintain connections with national groups all over the world.

Yabiladi (My Country in Arabic) is one of the most popular Internet portals established by a group of Moroccan immigrants to foster connections among the Moroccan community. This paper will study the community building aspects through Yabiladi in particular, on a more general background of the new possibilities, embedded in the Internet, which did not exist before for Moroccan immigrants. Tired of the official media’s stonewalling and governmental censorship, more and more Moroccans turn to Internet, which offers a unique environment where all kinds of topics can be discussed.

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