Utstilling - Valérie Pelet, Bruno Reccole - 15.11-25.11 2007

Valérie Pelet og Bruno Reccole stiller ut i Galleri YG6.

“This work could be associated to conceptual art without complexes, far from the instrumentations and the binding devices of the 70s. The outcome is with ease, an loss of benchmarks which is lived here in a playful way . A space transformed into a rhythm, a wave, a cadence.”

Valérie Pelet born 1981 in Austria.
Studies since 2003 at „ Akademie der Bildenden Künste“ Vienna
and since 2007 in „ la Cambre“ Bruxelles.
Works had been exhibited in Austria and Belgium.

Bruno Reccole was born 1978 in Valence, France and studied at „Ecole Supérieur des Beaux arts“, Marseille.
His work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in France.

Utstillingen varer tom. 25. November 2007

Ons.-Fre. 14.00-18.00
Lør. Søn. 12.00-18.00

Utstillingen i YG6 og på Rekord Galleri med åpning samme kveld er begge kuratert av Sverre Gullesen.
Det vil bli fest på Podium senere på kvelden i anledning begge vernissasjer.

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