kosmische DJs stretch time

In a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In the conception of space-time, the anticipated four dimensional co-ordinates where events occur. In the conception of presentism the future is only made of probabilities that have yet to actualize and this is opposed to the past (the set of moments and events that have already actualized and have been experienced or recorded.) and the present (the set of events that are occurring now).

Despite these cognitive instruments for the comprehension of future, the stochastic nature of many natural and social processes has made complete forecasting the future impossible. Despite this, it has been a long-sought aim of many people and cultures throughout the ages.

People shall jump about to joyous music made by: Can/Kraftwerk/Neu!/Faust/DEVO/Circle/Candie Hank/Chrome/Talking Heads/Roxy Music/Nonplace Urban Field/DAF/Puyo Puyo/F.X. Randomiz/Strafe für rebellion/Vorgruppe/Now/Felix Kubin/Sun Ra/Animal Collective/Klaus Schulze/Conrad Schnitzler/Patrick Vian/Seven and Three/Silver Apples…

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