

7. Juni – 17. August 2008

Åpning: 7. Juni kl. 12.00

Anders Dahl Monsen, Vemund Thoe, Anders Marius Henriksen, Tor Jørgen Van Eijk, Anders Nordby, Thora Dolven Balke, Ane Graff, Steinar Kristensen, Ann Cathrin November Høibo, Sigmund Skard, Kristine Afacan, Arild Tveito, Steinar Kristensen, Christian Bould, Saman Kamyab, Christina Leithe, Roald Andersen, Christina Peel, Monica Winther, Eirik Sæther, Marius Notvik, Eirin Støen, Marie Buskov, Herman Mbamba, Linn Anita Pedersen, Ingvild Langgård, Leander Djønne, Ivan Galuzin, Lars Morell, Jan Christensen, Kristian Skylstad, Jorunn Myklebust Syversen, Josefine Lyche, Kristian Øverland Dahl, Jumana Manna og Kjetil Røed.

Med katalogtekster av Tommy Olsson og Matias Faldbakken

Isn`t it torture to realize that since the advent of science and Christianity, man has been _playing with himself,_ proving facts, puffing with pride every time he repeats his proof, and acting like this is some sort of life. What a subtle, idiotic torture; and the source of my spiritual wanderings. Perhaps even nature grows tired of itself!

Arthur Rimbaud

Noen tanker om utstillingen Alone in The Dark

I mellomrommet mellom sort og hvitt finner man grått. Og det er ikke en nyanse ambisiøse kunstnere trakter etter å beskrive. Utstillingen «Alone In The Dark» er et dypdykk ned i mørket.
En beskrivelse av tomheten enkeltmennesket møter innenifra i møtet med det kaoset kollektivet representerer. Utstillingen er et ekspriment som forsøksvis legger fram følgende standpunkt:
«Man kan aldri beskrive seg selv ved å lene seg på andre». Ved å fylle rommene på Kunstnerforbundet til randen forsøker jeg å bevise at det er mulig å skille ut individet i en tett folkemengde, og dermed motbevise Kirkegaards tese om at i folkemengden finner du løgnen.
Alone In The Dark er meget mulig en løgn, men det er en ærlig løgn, fortalt av 35 individer i daglig konflikt med hverandre og seg selv. Når alt kommer til alt er vi alle helt alene i universet.

Kristian Skylstad, Italia 2008

How to win fiends & influence people

Observers said the images of migrants being hunted down and killed, some doused with petrol and set alight harked back to the violence of the apartheid years. Killer Instinct plays like many other fighting games, in which the player controls a character in order to beat an opponent in a one-on-one encounter. The Lethal Danger of Being Fat. This is the first time in history that any group has attacked a church. We never expected the savagery to go so far. That’s the spirit. Thank you. Thank you for your honesty. Now fuck off and die. All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. The Killing Fields were a number of sites in Cambodia where large numbers of people were killed and buried. Excess weight has a dramatic impact on one’s health. If left undiagnosed or untreated, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can prove frustrating for kids and their families. Sweden prohibits hate speech, hets mot folkgrupp, and defines it as publicly making statements that threaten or express disrespect for an ethnic group or similar group regarding their race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, faith or sexual orientation. When I was very young. I had had a nice way of dealing with the absence of life. But I would not and, one could not, define oneself. One needed, we needed, I needed skills. This is skill. Every age has its own poetry; in every age the circumstances of history choose a nation, a race, a class to take up the torch by creating situations that can be expressed or transcended only through poetry. Crude summary of his life reduces it to two stretches of relatively steady existence on either side of the eruptive creative adventure at its centre. You’ve got a gift. It’s not a gift. It’s just a brain. The Universe is most commonly defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them. The Centre’s innovative blend of activities reflects the growing role of Brussels not just as a hub for global public policy but also of international communications. The gas rolled trough the streets in tides and drifts, narrowing down alleys and fitting into confined spaces. Desperation seems to be very common among adults and children alike; in formal studies 70% of people report having experienced it at least once. There is nothing real. I just can`t deal with this. It`s fading away. It`s not a fist wrapped in blood. Not a human heart. I just did a death calculator on the net. It said I have 20 years left to live. And I am only 25. Oh yes. Oh no. I don`t know. Know. What to say. But I will say it anyway. Today is the day to find you. There is nothing new. Everything is new to me. I am not special. I never claimed to do anything logical. Anything subversive. BUT HERE I AM. Like a bridge over troubled water. Like your father. Here I am. You know all the bullshit they`ve been talking. Every day man. It seems like these motherfuckers are all just professional liars I say. What is death? Nature`s way of telling you to slow down. She had no idea what she planned to do when she got there, about four seconds from now. It`s called scag. It`s called horse. It`s called H. It`s called smack. It`s called this. It`s called that. And what else? It`s called shit. Peace of mind. Peace of heart. Piece of shit.Yes: the dawn is harsh to say the least.

Writer unknown

Kuratert av Kristian Skylstad

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