Opning av tema Disapperance / Forsvinning i Transplant

Vi i Transplant inviterar deg herved til den siste tema-opninga i the Cycle of Mutation:
Disappearance/Forsvinning fredag 06.Mars kl 19.00.

Dette er ein kveld med lyd, mat og inntrykk du ikkje vil gå glipp av!

Béatrice Josse har kurert temaet med verk fra samlinga
i det Regionale Samtidskunst Senteret FRAC-Lorraine i Frankrike der ho er direktør.
Verk vil og bli laga in-situ.
Béatrice og to kunstnarar i temaet vil være tilstades under opninga.

Me sjåast i Transplant denne kvelden!

During this night you will be able to meet the artists and experience sound, visual art and fingerfood during this opening of the last theme in the “Cycle of Mutation”: Disappearence.

“The exhibition takes George Perec’s “La disparition” as its point of departure, a work which only uses words without the letter “e”. This questioning of language deprieved of an essential vowel, constitutes an examination of art without a visible work. The proposition revolves around works in action – as if the sceptical search for an invisible masterpiece had transformed our static vision into a visual experience."
- Béatrice Jossé, Director of Frac Lorraine, Metz, France.

Michel Blazy (FR)
Monica Bonvicini (IT)
Mario Garzia Torres (MEX)
Patrick Neu (FR)
Jean-Christophe Norman (FR)
Roman Signer (CH)
Maia Urstad (NO)

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