Hollywood Interprets;

PSYKOANALYTISK FILMSEMINAR (etter den lacanianske skolen):

Prof. Gary S. Marshall, University of Nebraska
Associate Prof. René Rasmussen, Universitetet i København

diskuterer problemer knyttet til etikk i relasjon til diagnostisering og behandling av de psykisk avvikende mentaliteter, med utgangspunkt i seks filmer. Går over to dager, fra 9.15 til rundt 16.00.

torsdag 8. okt: Sydneshaugen skole, Aud. D.
fredag 9. okt: Sydneshaugen skole, Aud. E.

i regi av; Seksjon for Allmenn Litteraturvitenskap og Senter for Kvinne og Kjønnsforskning, ved UIB.

vel møtt!


Synopsis, Gary Marshall:

“As is often the case Hollywood films take on issues that are evident in the broader culture. One such issue is the effect of science on mental health regimens. A major criticism of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual since its inception has been the tendency to objectify the patient. Rather than emphasizing the singularity of the patient’s experience, there is an emphasis on the way in which the patient’s symptoms fit into a specific diagnosis and classification.

A second issue is the treatment of patients who have a psychotic structure. The general consensus among mental health researchers and practitioners is that a patient with delusions should be treated primarily with medication. If the delusions subside then therapy can be useful in helping the patient readjust to everyday life. In contrast the Lacanian approach to working with individuals who have a psychotic psychic structure places an emphasis on not undermining the individual’s pre-existing system of meaning.

The three films discussed by Professor Marshall: Lars and the Real Girl, Girl Interrupted, and The Three Faces of Eve are instructive on the issues of objectification in diagnosis and on the treatment of the psychotic structure."

Synopsis, René Rasmussen:

“The three movies, which René Rasmussen will discuss, seem to constitute different answers or solutions to three of our time’s diagnosis promoted by DSM IV: OCD, AD HD and depression. However, at least in the case of the Aviator, the movie also tells a story, which cannot be reduced to such a diagnosis.”

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