Kurs: Intercultural Communication

This course will teach intercultural communication in greater depth, with learning examples from different kinds of conflicts with the objective that participants will gain greater understanding of the importance of intercultural communication in conflicts and improve their communication skills.

Time: 11th-12th December 2010
Sat 09-17, Sun 09-17

Venue: “Miljøhuset G9”, Grensen 9 B, 6th floor, 0159 Oslo

This training is designed for young graduates or professionals with a prior understanding of the challenges of conflict work, but with little or no prior experience with working with conflict in the field. If you have completed a relevant level 1 ‘Introductory’ course, are thinking about a career change, or want to build up your skills before an assignment overseas, this course is for you.

Price: NOK 1,000 for members of NFL, NOK 1,500 for non-members.

More information and registration: www.forsete.no/forsete(a)fredslaget.no

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