Seminar/Marstrandfestival - Black Box Teater


Sunday february 16.00

Andrew Friedman Oppressing the Audience: from Bayreuth to Tahrir Square

Theatre is falsely upheld by the Western world as a vital contributor to political discourse. In reality, “political theatre” cynically embraces its mesages and artistry over its audiences. This betrayal has transformed political theatre into the most insidious and oppressive genre within the performing arts. In this lecture, Andrew Friedman discusses the politics of audience configuration in experimental and political performance quoting works such as Young Jean Lee’s Lear, Vegard Vinge and Ida Müllers Vildanden, Shrek the Musical and the 2011 protests in Tahrir Square.

Andrew Friedman is a Theatre PhD Teaching Fellow at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center (CUNY). He is also a founding member and co-artistic director of the NY-based experimental theatre ensemble The Riot Group whose works have been presented internationally since 1998. His academic research has been published in Theatre Journal, Western European Stages, and the forthcoming anthology Baseball and Class. He teaches theater history and acting at City College in New York.

Saturday march 5th.16.00

Showcase Beat le Mot (DE) in conversation with Knut Ove Arntzen
Revolution as political and aesthetic practice

Knut Ove Arntzen: Associate professor, University of Bergen. Visiting professor at several universities in Europe and Canada. Has published extensively in academic journals and anthologies, as well as criticism. Among later book releases: ”Det marginale teater. Et nordisk blikk på regikunst og ambiente forsøk”, Bergen 2007: Alvheim og Eide.

Showcase Beat Le Mot: is an international performance and theatre collective, founded in 1997 and considered among the most contemporary performance and theatre groups working today. The group works in different artistic fields; music, television, visual arts, literature, science and organized events. ”1534” (premiere Jan 2010, HAU Berlin) is, along with the performance ”Paris 1871 Bonjour C-O-M-M-U-N-E” (Premiere Oct 2010, Steirischer Herbst, Graz) part of a cycle working on the concept of Failed Revolution.

Read more about the festival here and and take a look at the programe here

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