
Untitled Sculpture Shape II, 80×90cm photogram, 2010


Marianne Hurum works with painting, photograms, video, writing and teaching, as well as doing occasional curatorial projects.

She will talk about a selection of artistic and curatorial projects including the suite Sign Rhymes & Open Signs, the recent video My Girl, the curated video/poetry shows HomeAlone#3 in Chicago and That´s Rich!, and a series of paintings called Ancient Trail that she made in the desert of California in the winter of 2010. She will also talk about ongoing video, painting and photogram projects, emphasizing her interest in method and litterature, and how her projects come about.

This talk will aim at giving an answer or two to why you don´t need to know what you´re doing while you´re doing it.

Hurum´s work picks up on a cluster of themes at the time In a humoristic and subjective way she deals with problems, trusting fantasy images and foggy notions. Her recent solo show Image-Ridden at UKS was a dive into the psychology of appropriation.
Her videos are venting thoughts about i.e. restlessness, artistic originality, collaboration and method in an infotainment-like way and by means of still images and short texts.

Marianne Hurum (1978) is educated at Malmø Art Academy (MFA), UIC Chicago and Oslo National Academy of the Arts. She has been showing her work at i.e. Gothenburg Int. Film Festival, LOOP Int. Video Festival (Barcelona), Loyal Gallery (Malmø), Intermedia Gallery (Glasgow), UKS (Oslo), Astrup Fearnley (Oslo), Atelier Bow-Wow (Denmark) and Golden Age (Chicago).

Open Forum is a series of lectures, presentations, performances and conversations with artists, curators, theorists, authors, musicians etc. initiated and arranged by the Art Academy in Oslo. Open Forum usually take place every Monday at 19.00 in the Academy’s auditorium at Seilduken, Fossveien 24. Additional Open Forums might occur. The lectures are mainly executed in English and is ordinarily rounded up with questions and answers. The event is open for general public. Welcome!

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