Releasekonsert: Abdulrahman Surizehi "Rakhshani Love Songs and Trance Music from Balochistan”

Den høyt respektert Abdulrahman Surizehi holde releasekonsert for doble CD “Rakhshani Love Songs and Trance Music from Balochistan”

Sammen med denne virtuos musikker på scenen er:

Master Ilya, tabla
Rostam Mirlashari. sang
Anne Hytta, hardigfele
Erlig Kittelsen, dikt

konserten er støttet av Etnisk Musikkklubb

dørene åpner kl. 19.00

konsert: kl. 20.00

gratis inngang


om Abdulrahmand Surizehi

Abdulrahman Surizehi is a world-class artist, and those in the know regard him as the world’s best player of the Balochi instrument benju. He is originally from Balochistan, an area located in eastern Iran, western Pakistan and southern Afghanistan, and came to Norway in 1987. His performance style is characterized by tremendous vitality and creativity. He has a large repertoire of pieces from within the Balochi tradition, while at the same time he further develops the tradition with his own innovations. CD releases: 2-CD longbox “Love Songs and Trance Music from Balochistan” The first CD presents both his own and traditional melodies, while the second presents exclusively traditional trance music.

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