
Vi inviterer til nye DogA-bar – fredagspils for alle med et snev av interesse for design og arkitektur…

Vi møtes i atriet kl. 16.00, Elvebredden kafé og restaurant står for servering av snacks, mat og drikke – til DogA-grønne priser. Denne fredagen samarbeider vi med Vitra og viser kortfilmen ‘Powers of Ten’ av Charles & Ray Eames på storkjerm i Atriet.

Om filmen:
Powers of Ten is a 1968 American documentary short film written and directed by Ray Eames and her husband, Charles Eames, rereleased in 1977.
The film depicts the relative scale of the Universe in factors of ten (see also logarithmic scale and order of magnitude).
The film is an adaptation of the 1957 book Cosmic View by Kees Boeke, and more recently is the basis of a new book version.
Both adaptations, film and book, follow the form of the Boeke original, adding color and photography to the black and white drawings employed by Boeke in his seminal work.

Foto: Fra filmen Powers of Ten.

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