Jack Oblivian (US) + Harlan T Bobo + Limes

100 Kr. 21.00. 20 Age Limit

Jack Oblivian (b. Jack Yarber), is an singer-songwriter & guitarist, based in Memphis, TN, USA. He was a founding member of the garage-bands: The Compulsive Gamblers & The Oblivans – He, currently, fronts Jack O & Tennessee Tearjerkers.

Yarber has also been a member, or contributed to: The End, Johnny Vomit & The Dry Heaves, Andre Williams, The Knaughty Knights, South Filthy, The Cool Jerks, The Limes, …‘68 Comeback, King Louie & His Loose Diamonds, Greg Oblivian & the Tip Tops, Jack Oblivian & The Cigarillos, The Natural Kicks and Tav Falco’s Panther Burns.


Harlan T Bobo

Even after his debut release, too much love, captured the imagination of Memphis’ music lovers, Harlan T. Bobo still remains a mystery. Arriving in Memphis nine years ago after traveling a route as circuitous as that of any fugitive, Harlan has been busy endearing himself to local fans and soaking up as much of the city’s rich musical history as possible. Instead of shedding light on the man behind the music, his intensely personal lyrics have actually served to help perpetuate his enigmatic persona. However, with the release of his second album, I’m Your Man, one thing about Harlan T. Bobo can no longer remain an uncertainty — his musical talent is the real thing. It’s true, the man with a name that could’ve come straight from A Confederacy of Dunces can write classic heartbreaker songs with the best of ’em.



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