Hugh Hughes in ... 360


Den prisbelønte enmannsforestillingen kommer endelig til Norge. Forestillingen turnerer bredt over hele verden og er en av tre soloforestillinger om Hugh Hughes. En nydelig forestilling om vennskap og barndom.

Forestillingen spilles to kvelder på Det Andre Teatret. Mandag spilles kun “Hugh Hughes in … 360” mens, tirsdagen spilles også den improviserte forestillingen “Tales from an Invisible Town” med samme karakter. Én forestilling koster 100,- mens begge koster 150,- ;-D

Forestillingen er på engelsk.

Et lenger intervju med Hugh Hughes finner du her…

Se hva pressen sier:

“Hughes’s humour, charm and the hilarious stories of his life as an eight-year-old and adult joy to listen to… Hughes makes the audience move in and out of his world seamlessly.”
Daily Telegraph (full review at

“Inclusive and delightfully daft… warmly optimistic. There are plenty of laughs, but this is humour found in life’s cracks.”
Metro (full review at

“Life-affirmingly uplifting… a tale rich in detail, emotion and personal nostalgia.
Guaranteed to put a spring in your step.”
Chortle (full review at

“One of the most magical journeys”
Financial Times (full review at

“The most generous of hosts”
The Guardian (full review at

“A mesmerising story about childhood friendship…I’ve never seen anything like this before, and as soon as I’ve recovered I’m going straight back.”
Three Weeks

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