PINK CUBE presenterer: Battle 04: Rasmus Andreas Hungnes vs. Yuki Jungesblut


PINK CUBE has moved into brand new premises at Grønland – naturally with the same unique pink wall paint with an extra touch of human body fluids for this occasion (you won’t notice the difference, except for the faint smell that might subconsciously come through).

Yuki Jungesblut (1974) has arrived from Berlin to fight against Rasmus Andreas Hungnes (1984) in PINK CUBE’s first exhibition at the new location: Battle 04. She investigates her Japanese background in the video collage On a Night with a Beautiful Full Moon in which we also, at some point, will be exposed to fluids of a certain kind.

Hungnes is a self promoting artist from Bergen, well known for his articles on his self initiated exhibitions and his porn collages. He has an above average interest in the female genitals and it’s numerous pink nuances.

They both have a site specific tendency in their installation methods and some (possible nerdy) pop cultural references with them from two quite different parts of the globe.

This tend to be an interesting collision – come and join us for an investigation on various liquids in new pretty pink surroundings!

Grønland 18
(Into the backyard by McDonald’s, past Goethe Institut to the right)


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