Ann Iren Buan and Tone Berg Størseth


*_Follow. Through_

Ann Iren Buan and Tone Berg Størseth

Opening Friday November 4th, 7 pm.

Open Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th of November, 12:00 – 16:00.*

At Cassis the stones, the fish

the rocks seen through a magnifying glass,

the salt of the sea, and the sky

made me forget that man is important,

they urged me to turn my back

on the chaos of human affairs

they showed me eternity

in the little waves of the harbor

which are always the same without being the same.

Nothing can be explained, all we know is the appereance.

*Ann Iren Buan (1984) is a visual artist working primaly with drawing. Recent projects were shown at Le Printemps de Septembre á Toulouse, Hovefestivalen 2011, Tromøya and Tegnerforbundet, Oslo. Ann Iren graduated with a MFA from Oslo National Academy of the Arts in 2011, and is also educated at the the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and China Art Academy.*

*Tone Berg Størseth (1985) is an artist working with drawing and sound, and is a part of the group OI BRENDA. She has recently shown work at 0047 with OI BRENDA and at Sørlandsutstillingen 2011. Tone graduated with a MFA from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts in 2010, and is also educated at the China Art Academy.*

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