Oslo Internasjonale Filmfestival: Violence of Silence

PREMIERE Regissørens statement: “If ordinary life back home is becoming increasingly virtual what about traveling, is it still a way to strive for authenticity? No. Traveling is the most advanced form of role playing game. Because the game is your life and the character you’re playing is you. Camus, in his writing is talking about the actor and is using the traveler as the worst form of acting. Because the traveler is making a theater of his life. Violence of Silence is created in the aftermath of the Vietnam war, the mood still lingering in the air, and when the generation of the great depression arrives here the filmmaker gathers, like a vampire: the nihilistic, the beautiful, and the absurd. To create a discussion between this triangle of moods. The movie is in flux between nature and grace, and so never ends. The movie is not made for us, but is a portrait of us, for future generations. Be self-conscious. Be very self-conscious. What kind of ordinary sins wouldn’t hit you like Sisyphus’s rock if left alone on alien shores or fields? How dependent are you not?” Regissør Kristian Skylstad er gjest ved årets festival og vil være tilstede på premieren. Få også med deg Skylstads utstilling Jaded Inept på galleriet OSL contemporary, 24.11–22.12.2011. www.oslcontemporary.com

Kristian Skylstad (f. 1982) er billedkunstner, skribent og filmskaper. Han debuterte i Grimstad i 2005 med filmen Kerry Is Gay, som sammen med Violence of Silence utgjør de to første delene i en trilogi. Skylstad har jobbet med Violence of Silence i fire år. Han er nå i gang med forberedelsene til sin tredje film, der handlingen utspiller seg i Burma, Sumatra og USA.

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