Open Forum presents: LIIVO NIGLAS, estonian documentarist and ethnologue.

Liivo Niglas is an estonian documentarist and ethnologue.

For this special Open Forum, he will present the documentary" Yuri Vella’s World."

The documentary follows Yuri Vella, writer and social activist of the Forest Nenets living in West-Siberia. He left his home village ten years ago to lead the life of a reindeer herder in the taiga. The little unique world he created there was meant to offer protection from the alcoholism and unemployment that sadly poses a serious threat to the indigenous peoples of Siberia. To give his grandchildren proper education in their natural environment and teach them reindeer herding skills, he establishes an elementary school in his winter camp. Unfortunately, Yuri Vella’s world is but an oasis of traditional lifestyle in one of the largest oil-producing regions of Russia.

Film Festivals, Screenings, Awards:

Festival du cinéma nordique, Rouen, France, March, 2003
Third Prize, Visions du reel, Nyon, Switzerland, 2003
Documentaire sur Grand Ecran, Paris, France, 2003
“Zolotoy Vityaz” International Film Festival, Kaluga, Russia, 2003
Cracow Film Festival, Poland, 2003
Beeld voor Beeld, Amsterdam, 2003
RAI International Anthropology Film Festival, Durham, UK, 2003
Pärnu Int. Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival, Estonia, 2003
Nordisk Panorama, Malmö, Sweden, 2003
Festival of Visual Culture, Petrozavotsk, Russia, 2003
Matsalu International Nature Film Festival, Estonia, 2003
Ökomedia Film Festival, Freiburg, Germany, 2003, VII Festival of Documentary and Ethnographical film, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2003
Made in Europe 2: Made in Estonia, Curzon Soho Cinemas, London, 2004
Famafest: Festival International de Cinema e Video de Famalicao, Portugal, 2004
Göttingen International Film Festival, Göttingen, Germany, 2004
Moscow International Visual Anthropology Festival and Conference, Russia, 2004
Planet in Focus: International Environmental Film & Video Festival, Toronto, Canada, 2004
Northern Traveling Film Ferstival, Salehard, Russia, 2004
Prix Europa, Berlin, Germany, 2004
Astra Filmfest, Sibiu, Romania, 2004
Pine Film Festival, Portland, Oregon, 2004
Ecocinema, Athens, Greece, 2005
Oczy + obiektywy – przeglad filmow etnograficznych, Warsaw, Poland, 2005

The projection will be followed by a talk with Liivo Niglas.

19.00 Kunstakademiet, Welcome !

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