Smalt som Faen: Zero Absolu


Zero Absolu er én mann som høres ut som et helt band. I sakte oppbygning legger han på live-samples av gitar, bass og synth, mens han også benytter forhåndsinnspilte samples for å skape den fullstendige stemningen i musikken. Svevende, men likevel med en solid nerve, et sted mellom NIN og Tool. Likevel lager Zero Absolu et helt eget resultat, der han lar melodiene veve seg inn i bildeprojeksjoner på scenen, og skaper et fullstendig audio-visuelt uttrykk. I forlengelsen av dette ønsker han å kommunisere direkte med publikum, på en komplisert og abstrakt måte. At én mann kan gjøre så mye på en gang er spennende nok i seg selv, men du verden for et resultat.

Artisten selv beskriver: «Zero Absolu (Absolute Zero) is a personal and solitary project. Created in French savoy current spring 2006. The idea sprang with a crave to share outstanding moments and thoughts of nostalgia, melancholy and fury. “Zero Absolu” is also a way of communicating the thread of intimate and experimental atmospheres.

Crossbred between post rock, math rock and electronical music. “Zero Absolu” is a modern one man band, based on loops where electronical music intervene with diverse musical instruments to which sampled texts & poems are over layed.

Live performance is an important aspect of the project, “Zero Absolu” which aims to push forward emotional and sincereness interpretation of its music. Lucas’s videos screened during all concerts, come and support all the different emotions & feelings.

“La fuite” (The Escape) EP marks the first solitary period in 2006 and followed by “Du vide au néant…” (Emptiness to the Void) a concept album in 2007, is a step in a more resulted form of the project. Another came in 2008, nourishing more creative activity by generating a constant evolution, and a double album foreseen for the beginning of 2010..

Zero Absolu is still developing the visual concept for all future concerts and overall continues to invest most of his time to songwriting and musical compositions.»

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