Torpedo er stolte av å presentere utstillingen AGAIN, A TIME MACHINE i samarbeid med Kunsthall Oslo.

Utstillingen omhandler det britiske kunstbokforlaget Book Works som siden 1984 har publisert Artist´s Books og annet trykket materiale. Organisasjonen har jobbet med utallige billedkunstnere, gjerne i begynnelsen av deres karrierer, og har i samarbeid med dem eksperimentert med bokformatet og bidratt til produksjon av plakater og kunstverk.
Again A Time Machine er en turnerende utstilling som retter fokuset på Book Works eget arkivmateriale.


Artists are playing with words again – raiding the archive, bringing the dead back to life, making the living look dead. Quicker than the ever-elusive present, they are forging a practice through words, images, books and ephemera, that begins to anticipate the past, forecast possible histories and re-visit alternative futures.

Again, A Time Machine is a touring exhibition engaging with the circuits of practice that have materialised in the form of books, writing, printed matter, language, spoken word, performative research and archival practice – where each new manifestation of the exhibition reinvents itself and reveals new work as the project moves from venue to venue.

For Torpedo and Kunsthall Oslo, works by Dora García, Stewart Home, Jonathan Monk, Laure Prouvost and Slavs and Tatars, are presented alongside Make the Living Look Dead, a fictional archive from a selection of Book Works artists, including Pavel Büchler, Jeremy Deller, Liam Gillick, Karl Holmqvist, Susan Hiller, Elizabeth Price and Mark Titchner. Back/Forward a selection of visual material from Book Works archive (1984-2011) together with a looped showreel of film and video works compiled by Karen Di Franco, and Rewind an audio compilation from Book Works archive arranged by James Brook, are exhibited in conjunction with artists’ publications and printed matter.

Again, A Time Machine is funded by Arts Council England Grants for the Arts and The Henry Moore Foundation. The Wanderer (The Storage) by Laure Prouvost is commissioned by Book Works, FLAMIN, Spike Island, with the support of the National Trust Treasurer’s House, York and International Project Space. Again, A Time Machine, at Torpedo, Kunsthall Oslo is supported by The Norwegian Arts Council.

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