Torpedo Salong: Geir Haraldseth & Philipp Kleinmichel on art and cynical reason in the writings of Peter Sloterdijk


The German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk has written about contemporary society from different aspects of history, economics and biology to assess, among others, the German welfare state, globalization and our current state of being, a state of cynical reason.

Geir Haraldseth and Philipp Kleinmichel will discuss the connections between art and cynical reason in Sloterdijk’s Critique of Cynical Reason and Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation. Sloterdijk does not write extensively on art, but he opens up new perspectives on how to view our contemporary setting that can be useful to understand what art and art production is about. There will also be a chance to discuss the ass and the function of art in contemporary society.

Geir Haraldseth is the director of Rogaland Contemporary Art Center and recently published his first book: Great! I’ve written something stupid … on Torpedo Press.

Philipp Kleinmichel is a philosopher and art theorist based in Berlin and editor of the online journal The Ivory Tower.

The talk will be in english.

Samtalen er den andre i en serie tverrfaglige møter som vil finne sted på Torpedo i løpet av 2013, der vi inviterer teoretikere fra forskjellige fagfelt til å samtale over et tema ut fra ulike innfallsvinkler. Snarere enn polemiske diskusjoner ønsker vi å legge til rette for utforskende meningsutveksling.

Neste Torpedo Salong:
20. mars: Drude von der Fehr og Søren Brier om den tenkende kroppen – tro, abduksjon og biosemiotikk.

Serien er støttet av Fritt Ord.

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