
Studentene ved akademiet har laget egne forestillinger. Byens lille teatrale høydepunkt for nyskapende kunst skjer denne helgen.


Pink Cloud Activity
How does a performance with the starting point of Soap Opera looks like, sounds like, feels like?
Will anyone get married?
Will someone die?
Where is the love? Baby, don’t hurt me.
Creators: Marit Sirgmets, Kjersti Aas Stenby
& Simona Bieksaite
On stage: Marit Sirgmets, Kjersti Aas Stenby
Scenography: Simona Bieksaite

Trumpets in the Sky
performance by Juli Apponen, Ann Sofie Godø, Björn Hansson & Nela Husták Kornetová
“This place of mine

never is entered by humans

come for conversation,

only by the mute moon’s light shafts
that slip in between the trees.”

Taking Turns
is an immersive and interactive performance that
explores perception and the way it shapes our realities.
Duration: approx. 45 min
Do note that for this performance you need to make a separate booking
in advance on phone number 81503020 to confirm your presence
Note that Head Mounted Displays (video-goggles) will be used during the performance.
We therefore discourage the participation of children under the age of 7 and people
with any epileptic condition.

If Happy Little Blue Birds Fly by Petter Winther
Where does the term faggott origin from?
What is the connection between Snow White’s poisoned apple and the invention of the computer?
Are the straight people of Norway as straight as they seem?
How good is your gaydar?
And is there a cure for queer?
“If Happy Little Blue Birds Fly” digs a little deeper, spans a little wider – and we’re gonna have a jolly good time.

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