PrøveRommet på Landmark


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Ta kontakt med Sturla Heggdalsvik på [email protected] !

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da verden endelig var kommet til året 2010 var det endelig nok av de riktige energiene på jorden til at funk soul jazz hip hop endelig kunne sveises sammen.
så da opprørs apen nr 1 ropte ut fra toppen av sitt tre svarte de andre apene lets Play their socks off.
nå er tiden inne for å digge , leke, danse , elske, og ikkje minst nyte
Riot monkeys we go to FUNK THE WORLD:

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Fredrik Rysjedal har Improvisert fram ein musikkvideo for Bly de Blyant (i tusj).

Bly de Blyant:

Shahzad Ismaily: bass, Moog, percussion
Hilmar Jensson: guitar
Øyvind Skarbø: drums, compositions

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healing force; beta decay interactions; melt;
half lives=half life; background light radiation

melt your brain, melt your socks,
compounds usually interact

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~ a story of transience and imperfection.

Wabi-sabi is an aesthetic that originates from Japan. It has been said that if you ask a Westerner to define Wabi-sabi, they will tell you quick and sure: “It’s about finding beauty in the ordinary, the imperfect!” A Japanese person asked the same question, however, is likely to take a little longer in answering. Some have postulated that this is because Wabi-sabi is not just about its superficial appearance, it is in fact also a feeling.

This feeling has been described as “a quiet and sensitive state of mind, attainable by learning to see the invisible, paring away what is unnecessary, and knowing where to stop.” This project attempts to explore this state of mind.

When does sorrow begin? When does grief end? What happens towards the end of a person’s life: to the person, to those and that which surrounds them? Our life stages are defined by life and death, both our own and of those around us. We are in a process where we arise, change and dissolve back into the nothingness from which we came. Life is, in many ways, linear.

This project explores these themes by telling the story of Rebecca Smith and her Grandmother towards the end of her Grandmother’s life. It takes place as Rebecca walks around her Grandmother’s house, taking pictures of the things she notices. It is presented as a series of pictures, projected, with text for each picture. The texts form a story, as the series of pictures progress.

The author and photographer hopes to publish this work as a book.

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Vercetti V er et eksperiment med en gjeng musikere fra bl.a Griegakademiet. Guttene er dedikerte gamere (når de ellers ikke nerder seg på akademiet) spesielt spillet Grand Theft Auto.
Gjengen vår består av 4 menn og 3 kvinner på vokal. Vårt mål er å sette publikum i en tidskapsel til 80-tallet og sende de tilbake til den tiden. Den følelsen.

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4. februar – Østre
18. februar – Nobel Bopel
4. mars – Knipsu
18. mars – Landmark
8. april – Krystall
22. april – BLOKK
6. mai – Landmark


Har du tips eller spørsmål?
Kontakt koordinator Sturla Heggdalsvik:

[email protected] / 55 23 22 35

Prøverommet er støttet av: Norsk kulturråd og Bergen kommune /

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